Sunday, January 31, 2010 FB Friendly

We have insidiously branched out...

Join Us!


  1. Now you get to see why we have faces made for podcasting! Mwahahaha...

  2. Unfortunately for everyone I have my podcasts in my blog so well if you look at convention pics you'll see myself and my wife. I love the idea of your logo though and think I might have to do something similar. BTW have you listened to our podcasts? They are finally out of Dungeonland.

  3. Also is there anyway to download your podcast from your site without having to use iTunes? I do not use iTunes myself.

  4. @ACGeneral: I didn't know yours found a home, I'll check it out for sure. Yeah, there's some personal pics at Mik's Minis, but not many. I figure Facebook is the new hotness, so why not start there? For non-iTunes listeners, underneatht the large links on each show post, there's an RSS feed link that will put you where you want to go! Thanks for the continued support.

    Oh, and if you want a kick ass logo (like ours!), you may be able to barter with Biscuit for one. He likes gaming books I hear...
