Monday, April 18, 2011

Episode 31: Deathwatch Character Creation

Episode 31: Deathwatch Character Creation
RSS Feed Located Here

Hosts: Duck Sauce, Gyro, T-Bone, Biscuit

Summer is right around the corner and so is a new RPG campaign. This time the hosts return to their roots and delve back into the 40k universe, now with a purpose-built a 40k rule-set. Trading in their investigatory longcoats and lasguns for power armor and bolters, Deathwatch has become their destination. Definitely more to come, enjoy!

Show Notes:


  1. YES! I love it when you guys put out a new episode

  2. Hey, just the kind of feedback we like to hear. Thanks Stewart!

  3. "I'm a wizard, mind you. This place is kept by powerful gods and spirits of kings. Harm my flesh and you will have to deal with the dead!"

  4. Fantastic show fellas! The warm shout out was most welcome.

    Thanks :)


  5. Dude, we've got your back, yo...

  6. Another awesome show guys. Took a few days to listen to it, but today was the first chance I had to paint this week and that is when I listen to podcasts.

    I though of you guys today while I was wondering the blogosphere and I am not sure what you are using a character sheets but Zorcon has a pretty nice looking one for down load on his blog.


  7. Thanks Meatball, we do in fact have some fairly sweet, form-fillable PDF sheets we're using, but we'll check your linkage out nonetheless. Thanks!

  8. Hmmm... You guys have got me reconsidering my earlier thoughts about this game. After listening to your earlier sessions of Death Watch, I was really put off by concept of the horde mechanic for combat. I know Marines are badass and all but it just really seemed almost cartoony over the top to me. Then again, hearing you guys start from the ground up makes me curious just how it will play out.

  9. Looks like it's time to tune in again.
